District Instructional Model Survey
Next week the District will be sending everyone an email to determine if they are considering a change in their selected instructional model for the second semester. You need to respond only if you are requesting a change. There will be a separate survey for transportation. Please be on the look out for these emails.
School Closure
We remain optimistic that we will be able to continue with our hybrid instructional model for the foreseeable future. But we need to be prepared for a sudden short and long-term closure. Here is how we will ensure the continuity of instruction in the event of a closure:
- Students would continue their in-school daily schedule at home using Zoom to attend synchronous classes with their teachers.
- Wednesdays would remain set aside for student hours. Students would continue to sign up directly to meet with a teacher. Teachers may also request small group or individual meetings.
- Instructional materials would continue to be pushed out electronically to students via Google Classroom or other digital means asynchronously on the remote days as it is now.
Virtual Open House
If you missed our Virtual Open House, you can view it by looking here.
Dates to Remember
November 3 & 5 - Picture Retakes
November 3 & 6 - Wildcat Pride Days - wear your blue & gold!
November 11 - Veterans Day - No School
November 13 - 1st Quarter Report Cards Available